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How to utilize Sequencing

Kyle Kroeger avatar
Written by Kyle Kroeger
Updated over 9 months ago

Sequencing is the ability to set up personalized workflows that consist of manual and/or automated steps at scale. These steps are then presented to your users, just at the right moment and with the right information to maximize efficiency and accelerate the decision-making process. Sequencing takes a user’s prospects (candidate or client) and lays out the user-specific tasks at the exact right moment to maximize engagement.

Getting Started

In order to utilize Sequencing, you will need to be an Admin, or your User Role must be granted access. To grant access to non-admin users, you can navigate to Settings | User Roles, and toggle the Sequences privilege to the desired setting.

Below is a breakdown of each privilege for Sequencing.

If you plan on using Automatic Emails, you can configure the Days, Time Frames, and Timezone the emails will send by navigating to Settings | Sequencing Settings.

You can also set if a contact can be on one or more sequences at a time. This setting will also be found via Settings | Sequencing Settings.

  • When enabled Yes, contacts can be added to more than one sequence at a time.

  • When enabled No, contacts can only be added to one sequence at a time.

If you try to add a contact to more than one sequence at a time when enabled No, the user will receive a message that the contact cannot be added.

Setting up your Sequences

If Sequencing has not been pinned to your Left Navigation menu, navigate to All Areas and select Sequencing.

Next, select Sequences | New Sequence.

From here, you can name your sequence, write a description, share it with other users, and add your steps! All fields with the red asterisk * are required.

When adding your steps, you will have 5 Action options.

  1. Send Email (Automatic)

  2. Send Email (Manually)

  3. Phone Call

  4. Send Text Message

  5. Task

Each Action (excluding Send Text Message) will have the ability to regard a specific opportunity. You will also have the ability to use email templates, along with creating the text message that you wish to send.

You will also have Timing options for each action. Timing is the delay between the previous step to the next step.

For Ownership of the Action, you can choose the initiating user (the user who adds the contact into the sequence), a specific user, the primary owner of the contact, or the primary owner of the contacts company.

Email Actions will provide the ability to track Links Clicked, Email Opens, and include Unsubscribe Links.

Adding Contacts to a Sequence

**A contact can be added to more than one sequence at a time**

You can add a contact to a sequence by opening a created sequence and navigating to Contacts in Sequence | Add Contacts.

**You may also add contacts to a Sequence from the Contacts Tab, directly on a Contact Record, an Opportunity on the Home Page, and from Search**

Enabling Sequencing via Workflow Stages

Link Recruiting Workflow Stages directly to a Sequence and allow users to add contacts while adding or moving contacts in their workflow.

To get started, navigate to Settings | Workflows | Recruiting Workflow and select the stage you would like to have trigger the sequence. Lastly, choose the sequence you wish to use for the stage:

**Only workflow stages that are not set as "New" type can have a linked sequence**

From the workflow stage, you will be able to quickly see the status of the contact in the sequence:

Managing your To-Do List

As you enroll contacts into a sequence, the action items will create your To-Do list. You can manage your To-Do list by navigating to Sequencing | To-Do or directly from your Task & Events.

After completing a Task or Phone Call on your To-Do List, you will be prompted to select a result.

Phone Calls have four result options. No Answer and Left Voicemail will continue the sequence. Interested and Not Interested will end the sequence in a positive or negative result.

Tasks have three result options. None will continue the sequence. Positive and Negative will end the sequence with a positive or negative result.

Bypassing a Sequence Step

If you have a Sequence Step that is in a Wait Status, you may bypass the wait time to speed up your Sequence when needed.

Stopping, Removing, and Pausing Contacts from a Sequence

To remove a contact from a Sequence, navigate to the Sequence in question and select Contacts in Sequence | Select the Contact(s) in question | Stop/Remove.

Canceling a sequence will cause all future actions to show as canceled.

You will also be able to reactivate a canceled sequence at any time.

Removing will remove the contact from the sequence entirely and no future actions will be created. All history of the already completed sequence actions will not be affected, but all other history of the sequence for the contact will be deleted. You will not be able to recover the deleted data.

Pausing a sequence will happen automatically if the following occurs:

  1. The recipient does not have an email address (or does not have the type of email specified in the template).

  2. The recipient replied to an email.

**In order for a sequence to pause based on the recipient's response to an email, Email Journaling will need to be enabled**

Sequence Reporting

As you complete actions and select positive and negative dispositions, you will be able to track your success directly from the Sequence and the Metrics tab.

Viewing Sequences for Contacts

By navigating to a contact record and selecting Sequencing, you will quickly be able to see all of the sequences the contact has been added to.

Searching for Contacts in a Sequence

You can use the Sequences Search Filter to look up contacts that are affiliated with that sequence.

If you are looking to see ALL contacts added to any sequence, you can select the cogwheel and select Has any data in this field.

Editing & Copying a Sequence

To edit a sequence, you can navigate to the sequence in question and select Edit Sequence Steps in the top right corner:

After a sequence has been created and contacts have been added, you will not be able to add additional steps, delete steps, or rearrange steps. However, you will be able to make some changes such as templates used in emails and the timing.

Copying a sequence can be achieved by selecting This Sequence | Create Copy.

Sequencing Limits

Please click here to view all Sequencing Limits.

What's Next?

Learn more about setting up Custom Activities below!

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