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Using Search
Ian Remington avatar
Written by Ian Remington
Updated over a week ago

Crelate's search is a very powerful tool that allows you to query based on resume text, notes, tags and much more! Essentially, any data point within Crelate can ultimately be isolated within a search. When a new job requisition opens up, what better place to start with than your existing database? Leverage Crelate's search to find contacts you might not otherwise have thought of based on skills and qualifications and let your database do the work to help you get there! Searches can be saved and shared among your team and allow you to take action in bulk without leaving the screen.

Crelate allows for both a quick lookup search as well as full text search.

  • Quick Lookup - allowing you to quick find a particular contact, company, or job.

  • Full-text resume and activity keyword search - allowing you to search for terms like "management" in a resume or your note text

Quick Lookup

To perform a lookup, simply click in the Search Box in the upper left, and type in the name of the Candidate, Company or Candidate. Potential Choices will display as your type, and simply select the record you want to open.

Example: Type in John finds and contacts, companies or opportunities with John in the name.

**Please Note** Once selecting GO your search then pivots into a Full Text search. Meaning, after selecting GO you're now looking for the keyword "John" on any resume (which is likely not your intended outcome). Instead, there is no need to select GO and you may use the quick lookup!

Full-Text Keyword Search

You can perform a Full-Text keyword search of a Candidates resume and notes that you have recorded on a candidate. As explained above, this will occur after selecting GO. Pro Tip: You may also leave the search bar blank and select GO to navigate to the Full-Text Keyword Search.

The Search Box allows you structure a full Boolean query, and use operators such as AND, OR, and group items together. Need more on Boolean? Check out our Basic Boolean Overview.

Pro Tip: You may easily view records in search by double clicking the contact profile. From there you may even view the Profile, Resume and Search Results all on one screen. Want to view the next profile? No need to close out of the existing! Simply (see the arrows below) select the next contact to move on!

You may be asking, in the search above, where is Crelate pulling those results? You will actually have control over where Crelate Searches through but this will default to a document based search. (You'll actually notice above, just below the contacts name, Crelate will display where the keyword was found, in these 3 examples, on the contact's resume). Want to search through notes you've left on an activity or want to narrow down your text based search to only that in a resume? You may expand Activities or Documents to view or alter where you're searching.

Additional Filtering

On the right hand side of your Search Results, you can narrow your filters further. We strongly recommend taking a look at our article here on Popular Search Filters to highlight those filters other customers have found helpful!

Crelate will display several default filters to the right side of your screen. Looking to easily narrow down your search based on Tags, Radius or Contact Owner? Easily use one of the pre-populated filters. However, you can ultimately filter based on any field in Crelate including custom fields that have been added. More on this below in Advanced Filers!

Pro Tip: Looking to run a search only based on a filter without boolean logic? Simply remove any text from your search bar, select your filter and then choose GO!

Advanced Filters

By Clicking "Advanced…" in the filters area, you can add additional advanced data filters.

This will ultimately allow you to query based on Salary information, contacts with specific activity types, those that you've recently created or dozens of other options. We strongly recommend taking a look at our article here on Popular Search Filters to highlight those filters other customers have found helpful!

Bulk Actions

Within Search, you'll have the ability to highlight or Select Multiple contacts to perform bulk actions. Once your contacts are selected, use the Select Contacts drop down to Tag, Send a Bulk Text, Campaign Email or add directly to a job in your database.

Changing your view

To change your view, click the drop down above the quick filters and make your selection.

Pro Tip: Want to set one type of view as your default preference? Take a look here: View Preference

Saving your search

You can save your search for quick access anytime, as well as share your saved search with other users. To save your search, simply click on the Search drop down menu in the upper left corner, and choose Save this Search.

You will then be prompted to enter a name for your search, and have the option of sharing it with other users

What's Next?

Looking for more search training and more advanced steps? Take a look at our content below!

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