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Tasks & Events (To-Do's)

How to manage your daily activities and events

Ian Remington avatar
Written by Ian Remington
Updated over a week ago

The Tasks & Events section of Crelate is located on your home page. Upon its selection, you'll see several icons below.

First, the capability to sort by those activities you own versus what was scheduled by others.

The next two icons will allow you to sort through those that are upcoming or those that have since been completed.

Finally, any remaining icons give you the capability to narrow the scope of your results. You may select one or multiple activity icons to allow you to restrict your view by ONLY these activities (ie. Tasks vs Screens).

You may also edit your preference of view to List or Calendar. Additionally, you'll be able to sort as a day, week, month, or agenda view.

You may also query your tasks & events by selecting the 'find' icon.

This will give you the capability to search through specific users, activities, and date rages. Those queries can also be saved in your Crelate.

Once saved, you may access those saved queries by selecting the Find Activities icon in Crelate.

What's Next?

Learn how to schedule an invite to display in your Tasks & Events as well as send to you email caledar!

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