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Export Translator

The Export Translator will help export Billable items data into QuickBooks.

Lisa Rogers avatar
Written by Lisa Rogers
Updated over a week ago

The Export Translator will export data into a pre-configured QuickBooks format. Seamlessly export your Billable Items in a preformatted document designed to work directly with QuickBooks import.

In order to use the Export Translator and export data for QuickBooks users will need permission listed below as outlined in User Roles.

  • Ledger Advanced Export= Allowed

  • Invoices = Read or Full

  • Ledger = Read

Accessing the Export Translator

To access the Export Translator navigate to Billable Items and select the Export icon in the top right of your screen. This opens the Export Translator for you to begin using.

When using our Export Translator, the export pane will now slide out for quick access. You will be able to select QuickBooks Export from the menu What data would you like to export section?

What's Next?

Users are now able to export the current selection in Find. We have added the ability to update the status of exported billable items to completed in post export options.

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