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User Roles

Setting user privileges within your Crelate

Ian Remington avatar
Written by Ian Remington
Updated over a week ago

Roles provide the ability for administrators to limit and control the experience of their users. The ability to create custom user roles in Crelate is a Business feature, however, Professional users can modify both the default roles to tailor the user experience for non-admin users.

To access and create roles in Crelate select: Settings | User Roles

Default Roles

Roles are applied to users in Crelate, and by default all users are created with the "recruiter" role. The recruiter role is designed to provide a recruiter with the experience they need for their day-to-day work. However, administrators can edit this default role, for example, to remove the ability to export to excel. They can also control how recruiters can delete jobs, or view activities, by configuring these privileges.

The other default role is reserved for Administrators and this role is not configurable. By default, Administrators have full access to all records within the system.

Custom Roles

Business Customers can configure additional user roles by selecting the + sign as shown above. By default, when creating a new role, that role type will have no privileges.

A user can be assigned multiple roles. If a user is assigned to more than one role, they will be granted the highest privilege that has been made available to them. (ie. If they are assigned in one role for Contacts as ‘read only’ and in a another role as ‘full’- they’ll have full privileges on Contacts within the system).

About Privileges and Records

When configuring the privileges for a role, admins can control how a user can interact with a particular record type. Records represent the "type" of data that you can set privileges on. For example, Contacts and Companies are a record. The experience that a user has when interacting with a record is controlled by their "privilege." Privileges can be defined as:

  • None: Users with this privilege cannot view that record type

  • Read: Users with this privilege can only view, but not create or edit that record type

  • Create: Users with this privilege can create and view but may not make edits or delete (this is specifically for 'activity types')

  • Edit: Users with this privilege can create, view and make edits to that record type

  • Full: Users with this privilege can create, view, make edits, and delete that record type.

Assigning a User as an Admin

Navigate to Settings | Users | Select the user | Use the slider toggle to 'administrator'

What's Next?

Looking for more information surrounding users? Or want to know how to add another user? Check out our content below!

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