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What's New? December 2021 Release Notes

For the Avid Crelate User, Review our Product Notes and Full Release Guide

Ian Remington avatar
Written by Ian Remington
Updated over a week ago

As we wrap up 2021, we want to ensure our customer base is setup to streamline their businesses headed into the new year. To do so, we’ve launched one of our most powerfully rich releases to date enabling customers to enrich and source data without ever needing to leave Crelate. We know we’re excited, and we hope you are too! For ease of use, we've grouped all product notes into our core products. Simply select a link to jump to a below section.

Contact Data Enrichment [Add On]

  • Available for purchase to Recruit Business or higher annual plans, Contact Data Enrichment is here! This tool allows you to update contact records through Crelate web and through the Crelate Chrome Extension. Crelate will do the heavy lifting for you to provide missing or current contact data such as phone numbers and email

Import Data Plus [Included in Business and Higher Subscriptions]

  • We’ve dotted our “I’s” and crossed our “t’s” to bring you the latest upgrades to our Import Data Plus tool. Big thanks to our Early Adopter participants for helping us run Import Data Plus through its paces. The Import Data tool has had a major refresh over the past few months to introduce improvements such as a preview before committing to an import, the ability to export skipped/error rows, and the ability to update contact and company records.

VMS Integration - [Open BETA]

  • VMS Professional is now available for purchase for Recruit Business or higher annual plans. This feature will allow you to connect your Crelate organization to receive open requisition and updates from Beeline, Wand, and Fieldglass Vendor Management Systems. Thanks to our Early Adopter’s for helping to pave the way for Crelate’s first iteration of Vendor Management System connectivity.

Improved Workflow Deletion Dialogue

  • New and improved warning message when deleting occupied workflow stages. Previously, when admin users waned to delete workflow stages which had candidates active in that stage they received a warning prompt with the number of impacted candidates but no way to identify or click through to address them. With this release we modified the warning message to display the first 10 candidates (with links to quickly navigate) associated with the workflow stage.

New Billing Portal

  • With this release, customers will enjoy a new seamless purchase expereince that is as secure as ever. Customers will find a simple and streamlined experience to easily update payment information, review previous invoices and more, much like they can today!

Timekeeping Reporting

  • Deliver users can now utilize reporting specialized to timekeeping data. We have added a pre-build dashboard as a starting point with a suite of reporting metrics for you to build and edit from. Time cards by status, unclaimed time cards, and total hours per period are among reports that you can utilize and edit to your exact needs. You can also utilize our graphs, pie charts, and other visual charts to show changes in hours over time, or even view all time cards submitted for certain periods.

Advanced Invoicing Reporting

  • In addition to our Aging report and Reconciliation report, we have added a new Invoicing reporting dashboard highlighting several highly requested reports. Users can now pull reports for Invoice by Status, Unpaid Balance by stats, and total unpaid balances by company. Users can also see balances in regards to draft invoices (Revenue not yet billed) Unpaid Balances and $ collect in full. Each of these reports are customizable and editable based on specific user needs.

Deliver Types

  • We have made an upgrade to the way users track time and expenses in Crelate based on feedback from our early adopters. We have removed the concept of charge codes and added Time Types and Expense Types that serve the same purpose, but without the added layer of customization required. All functionality has stayed the same such as the ability to set default types on Opportunities, and the ability to add and remove employees from having access to certain types. This is mostly a UI change affecting the organization around the way you create and manage the types within your instance of Crelate.

Deliver Type Meanings

  • We have added the ability to have meanings associated with your time and expense types. These are system defaults that will help categorize your time and expense buckets. Having meanings also allows users to name specific time and expense types in any way you want, while having standardized underlying meanings that will help for reporting and back office needs.

Burden Rate Fields

  • We have added a new calculated field called ‘Burden Rate Percentage’ and ‘Burden Rate’ ($) to our Opportunity forms. These fields will also flow to your assignments to allow for accurate revenue and gross margin reporting when used in conjunction with our timekeeping feature. Burden can be calculated as a dollar field or by percentage, and users are allowed to create custom calculations for Burden and Gross Margin.

What's Next?

Thanks for reviewing our full product notes guide, we hope you found it informative and insightful as it pertains to our latest release. If you're looking for even more, please review our webinar that details all of the features via a live presentation. For Administrative users, please review our upcoming Impact Guide to be notified of upcoming changes.

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