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Import Data+
Ian Remington avatar
Written by Ian Remington
Updated over a week ago

With Crelate's Import Data+ feature, customers have the ability to both import new and update existing records within their database. As an important disclaimer, actions taken when updating records are final and cannot be undone. Please keep this in mind when updating records and read more below in regards to checks in place.

**Please Note: You can only import spreadsheets to update existing Contact and Company records**

This article will cover:

Preparing your File

  • Take a look at our Troubleshooting Guide if you are running into any issues

  • Ensure your spreadsheet is saved as an .xls, .csv or .xlsx file

  • The importer works best when each column heading is the name of the field, and the data falls in rows below. Example, the top row should be field names such as Name, Phone, Email, etc.

  • Ensure that there are no empty rows - To get a successful import, you should make the spreadsheet look as clean as possible, with a single header row on row 1, and the contact data starting on row 2

Beginning your Import

  • Navigate to the Menu, and click on Import Data

  • Next, select or drag your file to upload

  • Once your file has been added select Next to Continue

Selecting your Import Fields

When the Import Mapping screen opens, select the record type that you wish to import.

Crelate will attempt to generate mappings based on column headers. (For example, ‘First Name’). The Source Column represents the column name on your spreadsheet while Import Into represents the field name in Crelate that you'll be mapping to. If Import Into remains blank, hover your mouse over the blank space to expose a Select Field option (see below). This will allow you to make a selection of where you'd like to import the Source Column. If the field is left blank, no data will import for that specific column

Pro Tip: Importing Tags? After making the Import Into selection of Tags, hover your mouse in the details column to select Configure.

This will allow you to choose to create a new tag if the existing does not exist, split values based on comma, semi colon, colon, space, or custom. You may also choose the tag category you'd like to map to.

Once your field mappings are set, you'll need to select an Identifier. Outside of customers performing a data migration from a 3rd party, we recommend customers utilize Email Address or Contact Number as their identifier. If you haven't already, consider enabling Contact Number in your settings to auto apply a number to each contact. The identifier must be selected to recognize existing records. The identifier will then be used to locate and recognize duplicate records to update any contact flagged with new information from your sheet.

The identifiers that can be used for Contacts and Companies are below:



Saving a Field Map

While not a required option, why might you use a saved field map? If you consistently upload the same formatting spreadsheet columns and want to save time, you may simply save a field map to allow you to load that in each time as a template.

  • When you have completed your mappings, you can select the cogwheel in the upper right, and click Save Mappings

  • Provide a name for your mapping, and hit OK

  • You can load your mapping for future imports!

  • You may always Manage Saved Field Maps to delete or rename previously created mappings

Reviewing your Import

Once your mapping and identifier are set, you'll have the ability to review your import. This is a vital step to ensure all data is mapped correctly prior to officially importing. Beyond the Preview tab, you'll also notice a Invalid Imports and an Error Summary.

  • Preview: A review of your import and mapped fields. This will show your data based on your mapping exactly how it will appear in Crelate

  • Invalid: This will show a list specific of rows and records that contain errors. This should provide easy ability to review should any changes be necessary to continue.

  • Error Summary: This will display a total count of errors found within the sheet. If the count is high, or pertains to important data fields, please cancel your import to correct your sheet and try again. If there is a simply mapping error, simply select Back (shown below) to correct.

    • Common Error Example:

      • Attempting to import Characters to a Numeric Field (ie. I attempt to import the letter B to a Salary field that only accepts numbers)

Next, confirm you've taken these review steps by selecting the boxes individually or by checking all. Once set, you may select Ready to Import.

**Please Note** Beyond this step, you must confirm the import by typing "I Understand." Beyond this step, your actions are final. If you have made a mistake in a mapping as it pertains to updating records this cannot be undone.

Once your import processes, you'll have the ability to review. You do not need to keep your import screen open while the import processes. Feel free to minimize or close entirely. Once complete, you may View All Imported Records or choose to Undo this Import. Keep in mind, undoing an import will only revert newly created records, this will not revert any updated records.

What's Next?

Want to view or manage records you've recently imported? Having issues getting your spreadsheet to import? Take a look at our content below!

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