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Admin vs Normal vs Read Only
Ian Remington avatar
Written by Ian Remington
Updated over a week ago

In Crelate, you'll have the ability to designate different levels of privilege both in User Roles as well as via the Settings | User section.

Granting a user as an Administrator gives that user full permissions to ALL settings area. This includes but is not limited to the: configuration of your workflow, ability to deactivate users, access to the billing portal, access to perform a full database download.

Granting a user as a Normal user gives you control via User Roles to set and choose which permissions these users have. These users will not have access to the above privileges in the settings area.

Granting a user as a Read-Only user allows that user to view but make no edits within the database. Meaning they will have visual access but will not be able to impact or make changes to any data within the system.

What's Next?

Looking for more information administrator settings? Or want to learn more about normal user capabilities? Check out our content below!

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