Crelate's Recruiting Workflow is a powerful tool allowing you to manage candidates you're considering for a particular job. The workflow (often referred to as a pipeline or funnel) will give you direct insight to review the positions you're hiring to spot potential backlogs or areas where you may be firing on all cylinders.
The workflow is also completely fluid. A candidate in one stage today may be in a completely different portion of your funnel the next. The intent is for a very high level view to quickly asses what the best next steps are. Prior to creating your workflow you'll want to begin to consider:
What does my workflow look like? IE. New > Initial Outreach > Submitted > Interview > etc.
What are the milestones you're looking to hit?
What activities will you be using and tracking to help measure your KPIs? Phone Calls, Emails, Interviews, etc
Step 1: Your Recruiting KPIs
As we get down to thinking about what activities you'll want, ultimately you should consider, what do I want to measure? Wait, activities? I thought we were talking about workflows? Activities and Workflows are closely related and we strongly encourage the two to be used in conjunction with one another. Please check out our guide on Activities vs Workflows for more insight here.
When I think back and evaluate myself or my team, what numbers do I want to hold my firm accountable for? What ratios will ultimately interest me? All of these answers should be solved in your activity based reports. When you sit down and consider what you want to measure, the item that comes to mind should be an activity. So what KPIs might be important?
Phone Calls
Email (emails will track automatically so no need as an activity!)
These KPIs can easily be set up as activities within your Settings | Activities section in Crelate. For more specifics check out our guide on Creating an Activity.
βStep 2: Setting your Recruiting Workflow
With your activities created, let's now transition to your Recruiting Workflow. You'll want to consider, when moving a candidate through the funnel, what are the most natural points of emphasis along the way. Don't be afraid to have several Workflow stages that are the same as you activities! More on that in just a moment! Here's an example you may consider:
New Candidates (Variants: Sourced, Potential Candidates)
Reached Out
Interested Candidates
Screening (Variants: Phone Screen, Recruiter Interview)
Submitted to Client
Interviewing with Client
Placed (Variants: Hired)
Not a Fit (Variants: Pass, Rejected by Client, Rejected by Candidate)
To configure, navigate to Settings | Workflows | Recruiting Workflow.
Step 3: Having your Recruiting Workflow and Activities Work Together
Now that both are setup, you'll likely want to have the two work together. Crelate provides the ability to automate when some activities occur. There are other unique triggers as well tied to probability and email automation that we'll also discuss!
Within each workflow stage, you'll have the ability to Configure Rules.
Activity Creation:
As an important step in the process, we've created a quick two-minute video explanation of the process of linking activities to your workflow.
Ask to Submit Candidates:
As one of Crelate's core features, the submittal is a powerful tool that will allow easy access and data sharing between yourself and your clients. The experience here is that each time a candidate is dragged to a workflow, you can prompt a submittal email to display. This experience can be completely customized to include as much or as little information as you're comfortable sharing. You can even utilize Crelate's Resume Toolbox to take advantage of automatically including branded or blinded resume copies. For more on the specifics, check out our guide on Creating Submittal Templates.
Send an Email:
Triggering an automated email can be immensely beneficial for your outreach and workflow. Automate an email so that when a candidate is moved to a new stage, that message gets sent out. Perhaps you have a Call 1 + Email 1, Call 2 + Email 2 routine? If so, why not automate that after your call, you drag the candidate to the appropriate stage, from there an email can automatically trigger to follow up after your call!
Simply select the check box and then use the + sign to Build a Template.
What's Next?
For some further explanation into Activities vs Workflows and use cases for each, take a look below!