This article provides a high-level overview of Crelate's data retention, data backup policies as well as our security and high-availability best practices.
Reliability and Availability
All core services are hosted in a redundant manner behind load balanced network appliances β with all machines double or triple redundant configurations and running on fault tolerant machines.
Core record data replicated across multiple servers with each servers copied stored on triply redundant disk storage solution.
Our goal is always to achieve 100% uptime, but are dependent on the current industry reliability standards.
All services are hosted in Microsoft Azure and Microsoft provides highly redundant hosting infrastructure, power and network connectivity.
All services are hosted in Microsoft Azure and Microsoft provides physical facility, firewall, network redundancy and security.
All data and communication leaving our network and going over the internet is protected by modern 256-bit SSL encryption
Data is backed up in full on a nightly basis
Data snapshots are backed up every 15 to 30 minutes
Users with administrative permissions can request a full export back of all data at anytime, subject to the request limits of their subscription agreement.
Backup data is encrypted at rest
Backup data is stored on triply redundant disk storage
Backup data is geo-replicated from our primary data center in California to a secondary in Virginia
Backups are retained for 30 days
What's Next?
Looking for more information on setting user roles capabilities? Or interested in enabling two-factor authentication (Crelate Business feature)? Check out our content below!