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Reparse Resumes & Update Contacts

How to import a resume to an existing contact and update the record details

Kyle Kroeger avatar
Written by Kyle Kroeger
Updated over a week ago

There may be times when you have an existing contact in your database, but you were sent a new resume that has updated phone numbers, emails, job titles, and other key information. This guide will cover how to import a resume to an existing contact and update the record details.

First, navigate to the candidate record in question and select Documents to import the resume.

Upon importing, select Resume as the document type and select Upload.

Once the resume is uploaded, select the resume, then select Re-parse & Update and select the Parser you wish to use.

**Please note that only documents with the type of Resume can be used to Re-parse & Update**

Lastly, you will have a pop-up screen that asks you what fields you would like to keep from the Re-parse. Select Update when finished.

What's Next?

Learn more ways below on how to import data into Crelate!

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