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Premium Resume Parser
Ian Remington avatar
Written by Ian Remington
Updated over a week ago

Crelate offers two different ways of parsing an uploaded Resume and converting it into a Contact record:

  1. The Standard Resume Parser

  2. The Premium Resume Parser

      1. Pro Tip: This is recommended as a best practice

The premium resume parser offers a number of benefits over the standard parser including:

  • Parsing full education and employment history

  • Better handling of non-English (and non-USA) resumes

  • Improved parsing accuracy

  • Normalization of data based on a taxonomy of common company names, job titles, and degrees.


The premium resume parser is available to all customers that have a Crelate Business or higher subscription. Usage of the premium parser is limited based on your subscription level, and the number of users in your organization. (The standard parser remains available for all customers and is unlimited).


Limit (per mo/user)



Business Plus




While the limit is based on the number of users in your organization, it is actually an organization-wide limit. The limit is 200 per user/month. For example, an organization with Crelate Business and 5 users would be given 1000 parses per month, to be used by any of the 5 users. The limit is reset on the 1st of every month, and there is no rollover. When the limit is reached the premium parser is disabled for the whole organization, but the standard parser remains available.

While the Premium Parser is included for free within certain thresholds, clients can contact if they're looking to purchase additional Premium Parses.

Using the Premium Parser

To use the Premium Resume Parser, click the Import New Contacts option in the main menu (top-left corner of the window).

In the Import New Contact dialog, simply select which parser you wish to use.

Note: You can hover you’re mouse over the blue “i” icon to see how many parses you have remaining for the current month.

The Premium Resume Parser is currently only available in the Import New Contacts dialog. Resumes that are imported by emailing them to Crelate or by candidates applying to a job will still use the standard parser.

Configuring the Parser

All resume parsing settings are now in the Resume Parser settings page, in the Advanced section. The Parse Current Employer, Parse Current Job Title, and Company Name Cleanup settings apply to both the Standard and Premium parsers, the rest of the settings only apply to the Premium parser

  • Visibility – Controls whether the Premium resume parser is enabled and whether it is selected by default.

  • Parse Full Employment History and Parse Education History – These setting allow you to turn off the employment history and education parsing for the premium parser.

  • Normalize Company Names, Job Titles, Degrees – When these settings are enabled the parser will attempt to normalized names for these fields to help reduce the number of duplicate records created in your, and help keep your data clean.

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