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Naming Rules

How to enable and use Naming Rules

Ian Remington avatar
Written by Ian Remington
Updated over a week ago

Crelate's Naming Rules feature is designed to allow customers to set different Variations of a single company name. The feature's intent is to help keep customer databases clean by enabling rules to avoid a variety of similarly listed companies that are each spelled or phrased differently. Take for example, a fictitious company, Crelate & Sons. You may see this company listed on resumes as Crelate, Crelate and Sons, etc. Now, you will have the ability to ensure all variations are imported under a single name when importing via the Chrome Extension, Resume Parse or Excel import.

**Please Note** Naming Rules will not apply retroactively for data already in your system.

To enable, navigate to Settings | Naming Rules.

Crelate has 3 primary options within the Naming Rule Feature: Exact Match, Wild Card & Contains.

Exact Match

As shown in the screen shot above, you may use exact match for common spellings of the same company name. For instance, if it's common to see Crelate also listed as Create & Sons, you may create a variant as Crelate & Sons to ensure, if that company is created or parsed, the master company name will display.

Wild Card

If you wish to enter in rules with a single asterisk (*) you may do so. In other words, the search engine will return and highlight any word that begins with the root/stem of the word truncated by the asterisk. For instance, Starbucks could be entered as Star* to catch additional variations and spelling.


Contains is most suitable in which the word may not start with the same phrase or where a common short hand may be used. Take for example, Microsoft. You may list a variation as "mcsft" to match and convert to your proper company name. To use this option, simply include the title you'd like to contain within quotations.

How to setup your Naming Rules

To start, use the Plus sign to create your preferred company name.

Naming Rules

If using Naming Rules, Crelate typically recommends enabling for each import area. This will ensure, no matter how you are importing data, the Naming Rules you've set are followed.

What's Next?

Looking for more on data quality? Check out Crelate's duplicate detection rules!

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