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March 2021 Impact Guide

As an Account Administrator, learn what is being released in March

Ian Remington avatar
Written by Ian Remington
Updated over 4 years ago

About this Guide

This guide is designed to help Crelate System Administrators understand the potential user impact of an upcoming release of Crelate. The guide is intended to provide insights that Crelate System Administrators should be aware of. Crelate provides this guide ahead of scheduled releases to allow Crelate System Administrators time to prepare for and take advantage of new or changing system capabilities. This release is tentatively scheduled for March 8th.

Each improvement includes a description of the impact and when available, administrative options available to minimize the impact on your users.

About Crelate Upgrades

All upgrades to Crelate are automatic, benefit all users and typically require no user action. However, not all system upgrades are on by default. System Administrators may need to opt-in or opt-out of some new functionality. We know change can be disruptive and we work hard to ensure System Administrators have the flexibility to control when new features are available to their users. To minimize potential business impact, new features of Crelate are often off by default for existing customers and other features may be turned off if a customer chooses to do so. Occasionally, we make changes the behavior or look and feel of a feature. System administrators should review this guide to understand their options, any potential impacts to their users and any actions they may have to take to either take advantage of new functionality; or hide new functionality depending on their organization’s needs.


NEW – This is a new feature or functionality. It may need to be enabled and configured.

IMPROVED – This is a change to an existing feature.

CHANGED – This is an existing feature or behavior that has changed, and users need to be aware.

eSignature - NEW


eSignature (available as an add-on)



Applies To

All Users with eSignature permissions

Action Required

Administrators that desire to use this new functionality must enable this feature and purchase an eSignature plan.

Administrators can control who in the organization may generate eSignature requests.


Business and higher

Now you can create and send eSignature documents directly from the Contact record in Crelate. Choose a document or select from a preset group of documents that you need signed, add the appropriate signers in the order you wish, and track every step of the process from send, to open, to signed. Once a document or group of documents has been signed, you can easily search for and view them within Crelate and utilize real time updates that inform you throughout the entire signature process.

Form Requests - NEW


Send and receive forms through Crelate and request documents to be uploaded from contacts in Crelate



Applies To

All Users with permissions to send Form Requests

Action Required



Business and higher

One of our most requested features of 2020, customers now have the ability to send requests to Contacts to complete a form or questionnaire. This can also be used for requesting documents such as latest resumes or providing current salary goals or latest position.

  • Crelate users will be able to request that another person complete an activity form.

  • Crelate users will be able to request that another person upload a specific document type.
    - This is essentially a shortcut for requesting they fill out a form that just has a single “upload document” field on it.

  • Recipients will be able to fill out the form by:
    - Receiving an email requesting them to fill it out.
    - Clicking a link in the email which takes them directly to a page with the form on it.
    - Filling out the form and clicking “finish”.

Record Status – NEW


All Contacts and Companies must have a default status. Any records with a status of ‘none’ will be upgraded to ‘Active’



Applies To

All Users

Action Required

Administrators must configure these statuses to meet business needs.

Beta users of Record Status will need to configure any additional settings they want to utilize with existing statuses



In our October 2020 release, we launched a BETA of Record Status. With this release, this important new feature gets significant upgrades and new capabilities. We built additional functionality into our Record Status feature to give you even more control over your Crelate data! Now, when you configure record statuses, there are options to limit communication, have color indicators that show up throughout the system, and hide or show those records in searches. There will also be a badge that accompanies the record name with the same colors to show their status throughout the app.

Job Portal - IMPROVED


Updated portal available to migrate to as needed. Includes additional functionality and the embedded widget feature.


Low if not used, High if used. You will need to reconfigure any custom scripts, style sheet rules and headers

Applies To

All Users

Action Required

Continue to use existing portal until you are ready to switch over

The new v2 portal can be configured and previewed independently of the old one. Once you ready you can upgrade your existing Portal URLs to the new system.



We have refreshed the look and feel of the job portal and provided an enhanced mobile experience, faster performance and making the Job Portal in line with industry best practices. Users will be able to continue to use their existing Jobs Portal through 2021 and can upgrade for free at any time. The existing Portal technology will be depreciated starting January 1st, 2022. The new version contains all the functionality of the existing version, with added features available. All future development will take place on the new portal. Please note, that if you upgrade your portal, you will need to redo any custom scripts, style sheet rules, and headers as those will not migrate over.

Job Portal Embeddable Widget - NEW


All Contacts and Companies must have a status Default status for records with a status of “none” will be upgraded to “active”



Applies To

All Users with permissions to post jobs

Action Required

Action is required once you switch over to the new portal. Until then, no action



The Embeddable Widget allows customers to easily embed their Crelate jobs on their website without the requirement of web developer knowledge. This creates a much more seamless integration with your website than the traditional IFRAME approach allows. This simple copy-and-paste widget unlocks the ability to show several different job configurations throughout a website such as featured jobs, only jobs with a specific tag or all jobs. When you upgrade, the new portal will attempt to remember any existing styling settings you have made within Crelate to make the transition quick and seamless, and future candidates and employees will appreciate the new look and feel of the portal as well.

Naming Rules - NEW - Private BETA


Set up rules to improve data quality of import by creating naming consistencies for companies and job titles



Applies To

All Users

Action Required

If interested in this feature, please contact Customer Success for consideration to the Private BETA.

Customers in the Private BETA are required to enable and configure this feature.


Business and higher

Consistency of data is important for reporting, productivity and compliance. Because of this, the Crelate team is developing a new feature to give System Administrators new tools to help keep the naming of their Company records consistent. We are making it even easier for Crelate users to keep their company name data clean. With this feature, users will be able to reduce duplicates, ensure consistent data and normalize naming across their organization. Crelate Naming Rules enables improved data quality by allowing administrators to map a range of terms to a standard preferred term for both Company Names and Job Titles.

You’re in control: Choose where and when the preferred names are enforced during:

  • Resume Parsing

  • Excel Import

  • Lookups

  • Chrome Extension

  • Automatic name cleanup or not

Job Strategy Tab - NEW


All Contacts and Companies must have a status Default status for records with a status of ‘none’ will be upgraded to active



Applies To

All Users

Action Required




We have added a new area within Crelate where users can enter their search strategy, target companies, and easily see the public description for a job. This is intended to streamline the job requisition process, ensure that the hiring manager or client and the recruiter are on the same page and help surface important information for recruiters as they are recruiting for a role.

Data Import Tool - IMPROVED


Notes are now available to parse and custom fields added to lookups



Applies To

All Users with permissions to import

Action Required


Crelate now offers the ability to bulk import Notes in our Data Import Tool.

Fields available for mapping in the Data Import Tool have been streamlined to support new functionality. Additionally, linking field options have been updated with the following:

  • Configuration options have been consolidated and related fields will only appear if they exist on the parent record (ex. Contact Number will only appear when linking to a contact)

  • Name and Full Name related fields will have help text to provide expected formatting (ex. "Please format 'Name' as Last, First")

What's Next?

Looking for even more on our release? Check out our quick summary guide on each feature below and register for our release webinars!

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