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GDPR Management
Ian Remington avatar
Written by Ian Remington
Updated over a week ago

Crelate has added a GDRP management component for Business customers. There are several new features designed to help users more easily manage consent within your Crelate org.

For a full discussion on GDPR, please view our website here:

New Org Settings Available via Advanced Settings | Compliance Tracking

Show Consent Status on Contacts - If enabled, this will show a badge on contacts so that users can quickly tell while on a contact record if consent has been explicitly given or not.

If you click on the badge, you can see the history of consent and be given the option to send a request for consent.

Default Permissions Email Template: When users click on the "Send Consent Request" button above or in other dialogs where we are sending a request for consent, they can choose to have a default template email be used whenever this is an option. This can be added using the email consent slug option (see below).

Email Slug Consent Link: This is a new slug that will be dynamically created. It will take contacts to a link where they can accept or reject the terms of service. By having the consent link as an email slug, users can bulk email with the slug to cast a wide net for gathering consent.

The link will take them to a portal page (so the org's portal styles will be applied). If 'Terms of Service' are provided then that will be shown instead of "{orgname} has requested for your permission to use your data."

Applicant Email Options:
Include Opt-Out Link: If this enabled, when an applicant applies via the portal, the "Thank you for applying" email will include a link to Opt-Out.
Send Privacy Request Emails To: This setting may include the email of the DPO of the organization. If candidates have any privacy concerns and want a POC, they should email this person. This will be included in the language of the opt-out link. This is entirely optional however.

Show Consent Checkbox on Portal: This will show a required checkbox when applying via the portal. If a candidate applies and checks the checkbox this designates consent in your org.

This is also where organizations can edit their terms of service.

Show Link to Privacy Page on Portal: With GDPR, business users will now have a Privacy page available to them from{orgname}/privacy. They can choose from their settings to show a link to this at the bottom of their portal page or turn it off. Otherwise, going directly to{orgname}/privacy will take them to the Privacy page

For more technical questions about how Crelate stores data and what would happen in the event of a data breach, please direct users to our GDPR Commitment.

What's Next?

Looking for more information on GDPR? Check out our content below!

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