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What is a Portal URL?
Ian Remington avatar
Written by Ian Remington
Updated over a week ago

Setting a Job Portal URL can help boost the visibility of your posted listing with search engines.

For best results, keep the URL short and descriptive. Please only use letters and numbers. Underscores or dashes may be used to separate words.

Portal URL's are used in external job board searches. For example, if you post an opening for a job as a Vice President of XYZ Company, typing in phrases such as VP, Vice President, XYZ Company, or other keywords will make that job returnable in searches run with those keywords in job boards.

**Please Note** Please keep in mind that what you enter here is appended to the URL of the listing and publicly visible.

What's Next?

Need more information on enabling your portal and publishing a job or job board integration? Check out our content below!

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