Crelate provides our customers the opportunity to post jobs via a variety of different job boards. For a full list, navigate to Settings | Portal | Basic Setup and make sure your Job Board Publishing is set to Enabled. From there, Select Individual Job Boards to view a list of job board integrations.
A few important notes we've noticed from working with job boards for many years.
Whether or not your jobs are posting to organic sites is completely up to the individual vendor and their publishing policies.
It can take up to 48 hours for jobs to post to some of the organic job boards.
Any board can and will reject all or part of Crelate's feed of jobs at any time for any reason with or without notice.
Here also are a few tricks to try and Increase the odds that your posts are included for syndication:
Be sure you aren't just 'cutting and pasting' job descriptions for multiple unique opportunities - often the Job Boards assume these are duplicates and may not publish these jobs.
Be sure your job titles are "unique' as this cuts down on the possibility of spam being a problem.
Think about budgeting for Job Board Syndication and putting it as a cost of doing business.
What's Next?
Looking to sponsor jobs or integrate an existing job board account? Take a look at our content below!