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Creating and Sending an Email Campaign
Creating and Sending an Email Campaign

How to create Email Campaigns in Crelate

Ian Remington avatar
Written by Ian Remington
Updated over a week ago

Crelate's Email Campaign feature allows customers to send send and generate a campaign from a variety of different screens. Once sending a campaign, Crelate will capture metrics surrounding those sent emails to see which contacts are actively engaging with your messages.

Creating Email Campaigns

*Important Consideration* When using a template to send email campaigns, please note that the TO field instructions are ignored as Campaign emails will only send to the contacts Primary Email.

There are four primary ways to create an email campaign in Crelate:

1. From the Contacts tab, you may select several contacts at once and utilize the drop down menu from the top of your screen to Start Campaign.

2. From Search, you can run a keyword search or open a saved search to select some or all contacts to start a campaign.

3. From the job dashboard, if you'd like to make a mass selection by stage, you may select the Start Campaign option above (see the first screen shot). Or, if you do highlight a select few individuals and select the Select Items drop-down (screen shot #2), you may start a campaign using the selector menu.

4. From the Campaigns tab you may create a campaign by selecting New in the top left.

After beginning your campaign, you'll be prompted to create a name prior to moving to the next step. On the following page, you will add contacts from lists or saved searches using the Green + symbol. You may also add individual contacts to the campaign from the 'Additional Contacts' section. You may choose to exclude specific contacts or lists from your campaign in the exclusions section using the Green + symbol on the right as well. Once complete, select Next.

Sending an Email Campaign

To send an email campaign, you'll be required to enter text in the From, Subject, and Body of the email. You may choose to begin drafting the email you wish to send or choose from an existing template. To choose an existing template, please use the magnifying glass in the template field. Before sending the campaign, you do have the option to send yourself a test copy of the email to confirm formatting and hyperlinks are correct.

Once you have selected Send you will want to confirm and select OK.


Campaign Review

To review the campaign you just sent, you will want to access the Campaigns option from the left of your Crelate. In this view, there are two tabs Email Campaigns and Outbox Queue.

Email Campaigns Tab

From this tab, you can double click into any previously sent campaign to review any unsubscribes, open, and clicks that have occurred. You will notice a list of recipients below. You may apply filters to your view using the quick filter tiles if you wish to see only those emails which have bounced, for example. You can also select 'view template' to review a copy of the email that was sent out.

Outbox Queue Tab

You may select the tab for 'Outbox Queue' to review status of sent mail. In the outbox queue, you will be able to see any campaign actively sending and any in a paused status. You may also click these icons to pause or cancel a campaign.

What's Next?

If you would like to purchase higher limits, enable your campaigns, or learn about cool ways to filter your campaigns within a job, check out our content below!

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