Each user in Crelate can have an email signature associated with their account. This email signature is used in all types of email and is automatically added to the bottom of each email.
1. To start, select your navigation menu and select Manage Your Profile & Preferences
2. Next, you'll want to navigate to the My Profile section.
3. Navigate to Email Signature and input all the information you want to include. For images, you may cut and paste those into the body. You may need to first sanitize these in Microsoft Word for proper formatting. For more context, please refer here: Adding Images in your Email Signature.
βPlease Note: You will need to paste images individually. You cannot paste multiple images or text and images in combination. We strongly recommend pasting into Microsoft Word prior to pasting into Crelate for best experience.
4. If you are looking to insert raw HTML into your email signature, you may do so by selecting Please see below for additional context. You can find a full set up guide on this below.
5. When completed, select Save located at the top of your screen
What's Next?
Need a bit more guidance on getting images in your email signature or adding via raw HTML? We have you covered!