Notifications will remind you of activities you have scheduled, or been assigned by team members in Crelate. To view your past notifications, click the bell in the top left of your Crelate.
When do notifications occur?
When something comes due or when someone assigns something to you, you will receive a pop up notification. Notifications will differ from My Open Tasks as open tasks are events that you have scheduled as reminders for yourself.
Assigning a Task to Notify Team Members
You may assign a task or activity to a colleague by typing their name within the Assign To field as shown below or by selecting the magnifying glass. Of note, you can assign a task or activity to multiple users.
To ensure that the team member you are assigning a task to receive an in-app notification and email, you will want to make sure to set the assigned task/activity in the future. Note: this can even be 30 minutes out, just do not leave on NOW or no notification will occur. Of note, completing or updating the task that has been assigned will not notify the individual who created the task. If they are also assigned, it will be removed from their "To-Do's".
Notification Center
Within the Upcoming Reminders section, you will have two options to Snooze or Dismiss the notification. You can change the amount of time before you are notified or disable the feature all together.
To start managing your notification settings, select your navigation menu and select Manage Your Profile & Preferences.
Afterwards, you'll want to navigate to the Notifications section.
Enable Notifications: Turning this off will disable those events within Crelate from sending a pop up notification. Any notification you receive while notifications are turned OFF will NOT reappear when you re-enable notifications.
Remove Dismissed Notifications: By default, dismissing a notification will grey it out. To remove the notification completely, enable this setting.
Disable Reminders: Crelate will alert you when you have an upcoming appointment. If you prefer to avoid having these reminders displayed, enable this setting.
Appointment Reminders: This setting allows you to determine how many minutes before an appointment is scheduled to notify you.
What's Next?
Need more information regarding managing your to-do's or scheduling invites? Check out our content below!