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October 2022 Impact Guide

A guide for Administrative users to learn of upcoming subscription changes

Lisa Rogers avatar
Written by Lisa Rogers
Updated over a week ago

About this Guide

This guide is designed to help Crelate System Administrators understand the potential user impact of an upcoming release of Crelate. The guide is a shortened version of our “What’s New” documentation and provides additional insights that Crelate System Administrators should be aware of. Crelate provides this guide ahead of scheduled releases to allow Crelate System Administrators time to prepare for and take advantage of new or changing system capabilities.

Each improvement includes a description of the impact and when available, administrative options available to minimize the impact on your users.

About Crelate Upgrades

All upgrades to Crelate are automatic, benefit all users and typically require no user action. However, not all system upgrades are on by default. System Administrators may need to opt-in or opt-out of some new functionality. We know change can be disruptive and we work hard to ensure System Administrators have the flexibility to control when new features are available to their users. To minimize potential business impact, new features of Crelate are often off by default for existing customers and other features may be turned off if a customer chooses to do so. Occasionally, we make changes to the behavior or look and feel of a feature. System administrators should review this guide to understand their options, any potential impacts to their users and any actions they may have to take to either take advantage of new functionality; or hide new functionality depending on their organization’s needs.

NEW – This is a new feature or functionality. It may need to be enabled and configured.

IMPROVED – This is a change to an existing feature.

CHANGED – This is an existing feature or behavior that has changed, and users need to be aware.


Contact Record New and Edit forms Name Layout – CHANGED


All Contact Records – Edit Contact pop up



Applies To

All Users

Action Required

No Action is needed



Crelate is moving the First and Last name fields to a single line on the Contact Edit and New Contact screens to help consolidate data and increase visibility. These fields will now be displayed as “Name”.

Settings > Core Records > Contacts > Customize Fields – Edit Contact Form. Will now also show one field for Full Name instead of First Name and Last Name fields

Client Portal Kanban Candidate Display- CHANGED


Client Portal users



Applies To

All Users with Client Portal access

Action Required

Share these changes with your customers who are using the portal


Business and Higher

Candidates will show up in a Kanban style board (tiles) to help visualize the stage and status that they are in. When logging into the Client portal, customers will see a different UI and several items have moved on this page.

Portal users will be able to change how submitted candidates are displayed on the page by selecting List or Board in the upper right of the job page.

Client Portal Job Strategy Tab NEW


Client Portal users



Applies To

All Users with Client Portal access

Action Required

Share these changes with your customers who are using the portal


Business and Higher

Portal users will have access to a new Strategy tab that contains Recruiting Strategy, Companies to Target, and Companies to Avoid. Displaying this tab and the content to be shared with customers is controlled on the Opportunity.

Client Portal – Opportunity strategy sub-tab section display control NEW


Client Portal users



Applies To

All Users with permission

Action Required

If you would like to utilize this feature, it needs to be turned to “All or Selected” in settings


Business and Higher

Strategy Tab Visibility will be set to “None” by default therefore not changing the customer’s current experience when we launch this feature. Admin users will need to select the desired functionality in settings or at the portal level (Business Plus and higher) to allow the strategy tab to be shown in the client portal.


None – No Strategy content will display

Selected – Users on each opportunity can select what to be shared

All – All strategy sections will be set to display by default

When set to “Selected” users can control what sections are displayed by selecting the portal icon on an opportunity.

Yellow icons indicate the section is being displayed inside the client portal, grey icons indicate the section is not being displayed inside the client portal

Client Portal Job User limits NEW


Client Portal users



Applies To

All Users and customers with Client Portal access

Action Required

No Action is needed


Business and Higher

Client Portal user limits by company will be increasing:

  • Business plans will increase from 5 -> 10 users per company client portal

  • Business Plus and Higher plans will increase from 10 -> 100 client portal users per company client portal

Opportunity-specific access for Client Portal NEW


Client Portal users



Applies To

All Users and customers with Client Portal access

Action Required

As needed, edit current client portal users to only have job-specific access


Business and Higher

We are adding per-job user access to allow for specific jobs to be visible to specific portal users. By default, all existing client portal users will have “all access” which means you will need to manually change their access to job-specific as needed.

When inviting new user/s you will be able to select the job or jobs you want to share in the Invite pop-up.

Opportunity Bulk Remove Candidates Client Portal NEW


Client Portal users



Applies To

All Users and customers with Client Portal access

Action Required

No Action is needed


Business and Higher

Users can now select multiple Candidates on the Manage Client Portal and use the Remove option to remove candidates in a single step.

When multiple candidates are selected users will now have an option to remove from the client portal on the selected candidates drop down and on the new right flyout Job > Client Portal sub-tab.

Client Portal User Profile Changes IMPROVED


Client Portal users



Applies To

All Users and customers with Client Portal access

Action Required

Share these changes with your customers who are using the portal


Business and Higher

Crelate is moving the Portal User and recruiter/owner information to the upper right corner and enabling easier logout functionality.

Client Portal Navigation (breadcrumbs) IMPROVED


Client Portal users



Applies To

All Users and customers with Client Portal access

Action Required

Share these changes with your customers who are using the portal


Business and Higher

Portal users will have an updated breadcrumb menu to help navigate quickly between jobs and clients.

The red X will allow users to close their current page and move back to next tab to the left.

Client Portal Job Type, Job Location, Open Date, and Salary IMPROVED


Client Portal users



Applies To

All Users and customers with Client Portal access

Action Required

Share these changes with your customers who are using the portal


Business and Higher

Crelate is updating the location of the Job Open Date, Location, and salary to the lower right to increase visibility.

The “Open Date:” title is being updated to “Search Started” and will still be driven from the Opportunity > “Open Date field.

Additional Phone, Email, and Website Fields for Contacts NEW


All Contact Records – New and Edit Contact pop up



Applies To

All Users

Action Required

No Action is needed



Crelate is adding new field types for Email Addresses, Phone Numbers and Websites:

Websites - Portfolio
Websites - Github
Websites - Quora
Websites - Other 2
Email - Other Work
Email - Other Personal
Email - Other 2
Email - Potential
Phone - Other Work
Phone - Other Mobile
Phone - Other 2
Phone - Potential

Contact Data Enrichment Artifact NEW


All Contact Records



Applies To

All Users

Action Required

No Action is needed


Customers with CDE credits

Contact data enrichments will now create a new Enrichment Artifact in Contact Documents allowing users to view and download the raw enrichment data.

Contact Data Enrichment Data Pre-Match CHANGED


All Contact Records



Applies To

All Users

Action Required

No Action is needed


Customers with CDE credits

When enriching a contact record, users may be presented with a new dialog. This dialog is part of the Field Validation process Email/Phone/Website when starting an Enrichment. If any Email/Phone/Website fields appear invalid, the user will be notified that they will not be used for Contact Enrichment matching.

*Note: a credit will be consumed at this point*

Employee Center Home Page – CHANGED


When logging into the Employee Center, employees will be navigated to a new home page



Applies To

All Employees

Action Required



Hire & Deliver

When logging into the employee center, employees will be navigated to a new “Home” page. This page will give the employee an overview of their Time To-Dos and all their active assignments. Employees are still able to navigate to the Time, Assignments, and interviews tabs as needed.

What's Next?

Learn more about these updates and the new features being released via our Release Webinars.

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