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Indeed Budget Sponsorship Changes

Learn more about 3 quick steps to ensure you're up to date on best practices for Sponsorship opportunities through Indeed

Ian Remington avatar
Written by Ian Remington
Updated over a week ago

With Indeed's change to no longer support vendor budgeting management externally, this does not remove the ability to publish jobs from Crelate to Indeed. Publishing options remain with budget configuration to then be completed within Indeed. To help ensure job flow to Indeed after these changes on April 1st 2022, simply follow the below steps:

  1. The first time you do this, we recommend connecting with your Indeed representative to ensure they are aware of the input credentials. Your Indeed representative may recommend a unique identifier to help distinguish between jobs you would like sponsored and those you would not. We have seen Indeed reps recommend some sort of unique ID added to the bottom of the job description such as (#in) to help make this distinction. As Indeed's best practices and policies change frequently, we recommend connecting with them as to what is recommended currently.

  2. Once the job is posted to your Indeed account (please note this may take up to 24 hours) you may set your custom budget within your Indeed subscription. This is something that will occur exclusively through your Indeed account (see below). This will allow you to then opt jobs "Out of Campaign" into your existing Indeed campaign.

**Please Note** Crelate does NOT bill for Indeed related postings, this is handled entirely with your Indeed account representative. By connecting your Indeed account to Crelate, this will in turn prompt your Indeed representative to connect with you. All billing and transactions will be handled on Indeed's end after the feed has been sent to Indeed. Crelate will send an updated job's feed to Indeed every 4 hours.

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