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Timekeeping Reports

Learn the best basics and best practices regarding Timekeeping Reports

Ian Remington avatar
Written by Ian Remington
Updated over a week ago

Crelate Deliver users can utilize reporting specialized to timekeeping data. Our Timekeeping Reports provide a pre-built dashboard as a starting point with a suite of reporting metrics for you to build and edit from. Time cards by status, unclaimed time cards, and total hours per period are among reports that you can utilize and edit to your exact needs. You can also utilize our graphs, pie charts, and other visual charts to show changes in hours over time, or even view all time cards submitted for certain periods.

Looking for some inspiration?

  • Unclaimed Timecards by Pay Period– View all timecards that have not been claimed

  • Time Cards by Status- View all timecards by status such as unsubmitted, submitted, rejected

  • Total submitted hours by Pay Period- View all submitted hours by payperiod and over time

  • Gross Margin- View accurate gross margin based on Burden Rates and hours worked, recruiter, and more!

To begin, navigate to Reports, add a new report and then select Add Charts to This Page. From here, you'll see our default report builder. Select the Time Keeping section to begin!

What's Next?

Looking for more Deliver reporting? Or, looking for general best practices for reports and instructions on how to create time to fill, placement, ratio and more? We have you covered!

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