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December 2021 Crelate Deliver Impact Guide

What upgrades are in store for Crelate Deliver customers?

Ian Remington avatar
Written by Ian Remington
Updated over a week ago

About this Guide

This guide is designed to help Crelate System Administrators understand the potential user impact of an upcoming release of Crelate. The guide is a shortened version of our “What’s New” documentation and provides additional insights that Crelate System Administrators should be aware of. Crelate provides this guide ahead of scheduled releases to allow Crelate System Administrators time to prepare for and take advantage of new or changing system capabilities.

Each improvement includes a description of the impact and when available, administrative options available to minimize the impact on your users.

About Crelate Upgrades

All upgrades to Crelate are automatic, benefit all users and typically require no user action. However, not all system upgrades are on by default. System Administrators may need to opt-in or opt-out of some new functionality. We know change can be disruptive and we work hard to ensure System Administrators have the flexibility to control when new features are available to their users. To minimize potential business impact, new features of Crelate are often off by default for existing customers and other features may be turned off if a customer chooses to do so. Occasionally, we make changes the behavior or look and feel of a feature. System administrators should review this guide to understand their options, any potential impacts to their users and any actions they may have to take to either take advantage of new functionality; or hide new functionality depending on their organization’s needs.

NEW – This is a new feature or functionality. It may need to be enabled and configured.

IMPROVED – This is a change to an existing feature.

CHANGED – This is an existing feature or behavior that has changed, and users need to be aware.

Removed Charge Codes and Created Deliver Types – CHANGED


Charge Codes



Applies To

Omni Deliver customers using timekeeping features.

Action Required

Omni Deliver customers using this feature must partner with migration specialist at Crelate to ensure no issues with the updates that are taking place.


Omni Deliver

We have made an upgrade to the way users track time and expenses in Crelate based on feedback from our early adopters. We have removed the concept of charge codes and added Time Types and Expense Types that serve the same purpose, but without the added layer of customization required. All functionality has stayed the same such as the ability to set default types on Opportunities, and the ability to add and remove employees from having access to certain types. This is mostly a UI change affecting the organization around the way you create and manage the types within your instance of Crelate.

Deliver Type Meanings – NEW


New Deliver Types



Applies To

Omni Deliver customers using timekeeping features.

Action Required

Omni Deliver customers using this feature must partner with migration specialist at Crelate to ensure no issues with the updates that are taking place.


Omni Deliver

We have added the ability to have meanings associated with your time and expense types. These are system defaults that will help categorize your time and expense buckets. Having meanings also allows users to name specific time and expense types in any way you want, while having standardized underlying meanings that will help for reporting and backoffice needs.

· Time Type Meanings: Regular Hours, Training, OT, Holiday, PTO, Other

· Expense Type Meanings: Meals, Mileage, Travel, Per Diem, Other

Removed Internal Time Types – NEW


Removed Internal Time Types



Applies To

Omni Deliver customers using timekeeping features.

Action Required

Omni Deliver customers using this feature must note that Internal Time Types are being deprecated and that moving forward, any Item marked “Internal” are considered “non billable”.


Omni Deliver

We have removed the section in Settings for Internal Time Types, and have moved the Internal Setting to the Time Type level. Any Item marked as Internal will automatically be set to ‘non billable’.

Removed Billable Charge Codes – NEW


Removed Billable Charge Codes



Applies To

Omni Deliver customers using timekeeping features.

Action Required

Omni Deliver customers using this feature must note that Billable Charge Codes are being deprecated.


Omni Deliver

We have removed the setting to set up Billable Charge codes, streamlining the process to create manual Billable Items for invoicing. Now, when users want to create a Billable Item for invoicing, all expense types that are marked as billable will show up as an option in the picklist to be able to use. All other functionality with creating Billable Items stay the same.

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