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September 2021 Feature Release

Learn all about our September 2021 release!

Ian Remington avatar
Written by Ian Remington
Updated over a week ago

**Please note** The scheduled release date is currently September 13th 2021.

Welcome to Crelate's September 2021 Release! We are proud to introduce Crelate Omni, our integrated front and back-office product suite! Included in this release we officially welcome Crelate Hire to add hiring and onboarding steps to your recruiting processes and Crelate Deliver to manage talent assignment, time keeping, and invoicing. Our goal is to unify front and back-office solutions to streamline your business all in one central location. We think it’s kind of a big deal, we hope you will too! Customers looking to add these modules to their existing subscription can Connect with Support to learn more.

What's the 'and more' you ask? We have made increasing product strides to ensure this and future releases, are our most stable to date. This means more time dedicated to performance, stability and bug fixes not only during releases but also in between. We've also made our Changelog public so customers now have ultimate transparency into what is being updated on a weekly basis (more on that below). In addition, we'll also shortly be announcing and accepting applications for three new private beta programs surrounding VMS, Candidate Enrichment & Spreadsheet import updates.

Crelate Hire

Candidate Onboarding

  • Quickly and easily set up onboarding checklists for employees without ever having to leave Crelate with our new candidate onboarding experience. With eSignature and background check integrations built in, you can send and receive documents requiring signature and request background checks directly within Crelate. Integrate existing activities within the checklist and assign items to teammates for completion.

Compliance Management/Artifacts

  • We have upgraded documents to include expiration dates, verifications and secured storage! With artifacts you can create forms with or without associating them to attachments to include details such as expiration dates to help place candidates faster. Leverage Artifacts to manage the compliance of an I9 or the expiration of a certification all within the Compliance Center.

Interview Loops

  • Simplify setting up interviews when you’re ready to move a candidate to an interview loop! Create customizable templates that can be leveraged across a single or multiple interview step process. These templates can also support one or more interviewers assigned to each individual session within the loop. Other common use cases for notes include conference call details, links to company websites for the candidate, and specific target questions for the interviewer to focus on.

Interview Question Bank

  • Common recruiting practices include cultivating the right mix of questions for a candidate to gain deeper insights into their background, to verify culture fit, and to better understand where they are in their career. In fast-paced environments, it is also not uncommon for a candidate to be asked the same question by different people unintentionally. Crelate offers a solution to help streamline the good and clean up the not so good practices by introducing the Interview Question Bank. Include a picklist of questions to choose from when setting up and interview scorecard. Questions may then be tagged and assigned a category for organizational and scoring purposes (more on scoring below!)


  • Scorecards, as you may have already guessed, give recruiters the ability to use a set of questions from the Interview Question Bank to assign to interviewers who will use them for the interview itself. Scorecards provide the ability to compare multiple candidates side by side based on various categories to surface important details needed for the final determination to move forward with hiring. Scorecards can be created as reusable templates.

Crelate Deliver


  • New recruiting types are unlocked with the addition of the Deliver module. Users will now have a Direct Hire (fee-based) and Temp Hire (hourly-based) recruiting type built into the system to leverage for Timekeeping and Invoicing.

  • Additional fields have been added to start capturing relevant assignment information. Track your primary and secondary recruiters, sourcers, ending reasons and more on assignments to help you better understand your business and more easily run targeted reports.


  • With Timekeeping, you can track time and expenses! This feature is designed to flex with the nuances of your business depending on how simple or robust your tracking needs are. Timekeeping leverages customizable and reusable charge codes which can be created for a variety of payment and/or expenses with usage restricted to the right audience. Employees are granted access only to the charge codes that you want them to use. Additional settings allow for required notes and/or receipts associated to charge code usage. Crelate’s optional built-in approval workflow further allows you to assign client approvers for timecards and expenses for individual, multiple or all assignments.


  • Create billable items and send invoices with ease! Users can customize billing profiles, terms, and Invoicing templates to meet their business & clients. Once sent, users have access to a ledger and aging report to track items that can easily be exported. Quickly recognize payments, make adjustments, and even write-offs if needed all without leaving Crelate.

Payroll Export

  • Easily export payable items in a CSV file to upload to your payroll company. Payable items flow directly from the assignment pay rates and are created once timecards have been finalized each week.

And More...


The very first Summer of Love requested item we introduce to you is our Changelog! This new visibility into our release notes between our major launches is designed to help surface minor enhancements or pre-release items in addition to necessary maintenance work. You can find access to our Changelog by visiting

Upcoming Private BETA

We’ll soon announce and request applications for three new private beta programs. We will be seeking targeted focus groups to help us bring to market several highly requested features from our product feedback board. More to come here and please keep an eye out for notifications from our team!

What's Next?

If you haven't already, register for our upcoming webinars as we preview these soon to be released features.

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