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Best Practices: Tags

What are the recommended tag categories we see from other customers?

Ian Remington avatar
Written by Ian Remington
Updated over a week ago

Crelate has a powerful feature called Tags that allow you to categorize a Candidate, Company or Job, and use those tags in Find to filter records. If you haven't already, please review our Tags vs Custom Fields article that discusses the applicable use case for each!

Tags are a great way to define a contact based on a skill-set or characteristic that you may not otherwise be able to find on a resume. Because the text of a resume is already searchable, tags offer an additional way to query your database alongside keyword searches. Tags can also offer your 'stamp of approval.' Ie. You find many candidates indicating that they are are a 'sales manager.' However, many candidates use this term loosely and thus when you query your database, you're finding unqualified candidates based on that search. As a result, you may instead wish to use a tag. That way, you may add that 'sales manager' as a tag to show that you've reviewed them and can confirm that they are in fact a 'sales manager.' It will help to side-step a key word search where it may otherwise not pull in the results you'd like to see.

A few common tag categories we see created:

  • Relocation: Typically created as a state. This allows you to indicate where a contact may be willing to relocate. Let's say you search using Crelate's location based search for all contacts who live in Washington state, you may be missing a segment who've indicated they're willing to relocate there. Adding this tag expands your candidate pool to include people you may actually recruit there.

  • Division or Specialty: Tags can be the perfect place for items needing a picklist. The value here speaks to the example in our introduction paragraph. If you'd like to highlight a particular area of expertise, it can be exceedingly helpful to tag records within that defined tag.

  • Rating: If you have something simple such as: A, B, C this can be a great place to indicate proficiency or ranking. Giving you the ability to quickly find records that have the highest rating each time you start a new search.

What's Next?

Let's take a look at how we may begin adding tags to a record!

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