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Using the Outlook Add-In
Ian Remington avatar
Written by Ian Remington
Updated over a week ago

The Crelate Outlook App can be installed inside of Microsoft Outlook that connect your outlook email to your data in Crelate. You will need to be an Office 365 Standard or higher user in order to use this add-in.

To add that app to your Outlook, you'll want to navigate to Microsoft's Outlook Store as shown below.

If you do not have the "Store" option, you may be instead prompted to "Get Add-Ins"

This lets you do the following, all from right inside Outlook:

  • When you view a received email in Outlook, quickly view the basic contact info of the sender, including their most recent activity, and which job(s) they are associated with.

  • If the email sender is not in Crelate, you can add the sender to your Crelate contacts.

  • Track the email in Crelate (i.e., copy the email onto the contact's activity stream)

  • Use any of your email templates from Crelate to compose a new email.

What you will Need

The Crelate Outlook App has the following requirements:

  • Outlook 2013 or the Outlook Web App (OWA).

  • An Exchange or Office 365 account.

  • A Crelate Professional subscription.

Installing the Crelate Outlook App

  1. Click File | Manage Apps.

  2. Click Find more apps for Outlook at the office Store..

  3. Find the Crelate App by typing "Crelate" in the search box.

  4. Once you find the Crelate app, click Add to add install the app.

Accessing the App

There are two ways you can use the Crelate Outlook App:

  1. When reading an email, click the Crelate button in the App Bar above the email message.

  2. When composing a new email, click on the Crelate Icon in the ribbon and click to start.

The first time you open the Crelate app, it will prompt you to log in to your Crelate account. Enter the same email address and password you normally use to access Crelate. Once you are successfully logged in, your password will be stored securely in Microsoft's cloud storage until you log out.

Viewing Contact Details

On any email in your inbox, you can use the Crelate app to quickly see the contact details (from Crelate) of the email sender. Just click the Crelate button in the ribbon to open the app. If the email was sent from one of your Crelate contacts, you will see some basic contact details.

You'll be able to view the contacts name, job title, current company along with their phone number and email address. The add-in will also highlight the last activity as well as the next future scheduled activity.

​Note: Only the single most recent activity is shown. If you want to see all activity, click Open in Crelate to view the full contact record.

Available actions that can be performed:

Open in Crelate.
Click the Open in Crelate link to open Crelate in a web browser and navigate straight to the current contact

Track this Email.

  • Click Track this Email to send the current email to Crelate. The email message will be added to the activity stream of the contact. If the email is already being tracked in Crelate then this option will be disabled.

Adding New Contacts

If the sender of the email is not a contact in Crelate (i.e., there is no contact that has the same email address as the sender), then instead of seeing the contact details, you will see a very simple New Contact form.

  1. Verify that the contact information is correct

  2. Optionally, enter a note about the contact.

  3. Then click Add To Crelate. The contact will be created, and then the contact details will be displayed.

Note: the current email message will also automatically be tracked in Crelate, and will appear in the new contact's activities.

Composing New Email Messages using Crelate Email Templates

You can use any Email Templates from Crelate when composing new email messages in Outlook.

When creating a new email message in Outlook:

  1. Click on the Crelate App in the ribbon, and then click to start. A list of email templates will be displayed to the right of the email.

  2. Enter an email address into the To field of the new email message (Crelate can only generate an email message from a template if it knows which contact in your database to merge the template with, so you need to have something in the To recipient before selecting a template).

  3. Click on one of the templates in the template list. The email body will be generated from the template and inserted into your new email message.

Note: If the first email address in the To field does not match any contact in Crelate, then you will see a message indicating that the email could not be generated.

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