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Using a Project in Crelate Sales
Ian Remington avatar
Written by Ian Remington
Updated over a week ago

A project in Crelate gives you the ability to create a collection of multiple jobs or leads under one opportunity.

Why use a Project? Ultimately, Projects are commonly used for Business Development in Crelate. A project fits perfectly into the scenario where you may be calling multiple points of contact at one company. Perhaps I'm targeting ABC Company and looking to engage several V-level and HR contacts. As a result, I may create ABC Company as my project, with individual opportunities for each contact that live within that project. This allows me to track each opportunity separately while having them all maintain a relationship through that project. An alternative is, I have a job, ABC Company is hiring for a Sales Associate. During the course of that opportunity, I may have several milestones (such as a retainer) that I'd like to track. As a result, I may have multiple 'wins' within one opportunity (let's say: Retainer 1, Retainer 2, Placed Candidate). As a result, the collection of these opportunities may live within the scope of my ABC Company - Sales Associate project.

Creating a project is a Business feature. You'll receive one Project type by default but can ultimately customize and create additional types. Whether creating a project type, or using Crelate's default Project option, you'll want to ensure the Status is set to Active (#5 below). Additionally, as a Project requires a collection of multiple opportunity types (#6) you'll need that box checked and then to select which opportunity types you'd like to be made available to be added within that project.

Once completed, to then create a project, (or any opportunity) navigate to the Sales tab followed by creating that project.

Next, you may affiliate that project with a given company as well as create a unique name.

From there, you may create the collection of opportunities that your project encompasses. By using the + sign, you'll have the ability to create a new opportunity within the project. Using the magnifying glass will allow you to link an existing opportunity to this project.

Additionally, you'll note the check box option of show both this project and its jobs on the sales board. This will give you the capability to each job grouped together under a single project tile OR while still affiliated with that project, separately on the dashboard. We will provide an example of each below.

When this box is NOT checked, you'll see the 3 opportunities just created all within the umbrella of the project.

This will display as a collection regardless of which stage those individual opportunities are in. As you see below, each of the 3 opportunities have different probabilities and are in 3 separate workflow stages but will remain displayed under the single opportunity.

When this box IS checked you'll see the 3 opportunities just created all separately listed but still directly affiliated with the project. When moving your mouse over the project (in the example below that is the "Crelate's Collection of Jobs"), the related opportunities in your pipeline will be highlight in purple as shown below.

What's Next?

Learn more about moving a lead through your sales workflow and how to convert a lead to an open job.

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