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Creating A Home Page Progress Report
Ian Remington avatar
Written by Ian Remington
Updated over a week ago

Generating a home page progress report is helpful when you want or need an Excel Spreadsheet overview an entire list of jobs or candidates in your pipeline.

For instance, if you're looking for a holistic pipeline breakdown, or for a report for one client but multiple potions, the home page can be a great place to start.

For the most part, we see customers use this in an All Candidates view.

Once your view is select, navigate to the cogwheel.

This will ultimately allow you to determine which fields you'd like included in your export. For example, if this is a report that will ultimately be shared with a client, maybe you'd like to include job title, salary expectation, a LinkedIn URL. All are possible via a Column based selection!

Pro Tip: Want to narrow this down to just a single client across multiple jobs? Search for the name of the company (ABC Company in the example below) to narrow to only that company and their related jobs. Or, use the filter drop down to add any additional filters.

Once you have your data organized, select the export option.

The Export Window will pop up and you may select what you want to be included in the report. You can choose to include the Activities Sheet along with Scheduled Activities. You can also choose to have the report render the last month, quarter, last 2 weeks, or a specific date range.

What is included in the activities sheet? When selecting that option, you'll notice 2 sheets included in your export

Sheet one will be your Candidates sheet. This will include a pipeline breakdown and any Fields included in the report. The second sheet, Activities, will include a breakdown of each candidate, activity type, owner and any notes affiliated with that activity.

What's Next?

For more on customizing your view or generating job dashboard report, check out our content below!

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