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Client Portal Workflow
Ian Remington avatar
Written by Ian Remington
Updated over a week ago

This article will detail how to navigate and manage the best practices for getting your client portal configured, adding jobs to the client portal and assigning candidates to your created portal.

Adding a Job to the Client Portal

To get started with the Client Portal, you'll want to begin by adding your first job to the portal.

To do so, there are three primary options. The first of which is within a job dashboard. You'll notice a "Not on Client Portal" dialogue. Additionally, from the job's home page, you'll notice a grayed out "Client Portal" icon in the top right of your screen. Lastly, if you navigate to the Client Portal the job is for, you can add from here as well.

Option 1:

Option 2:

Selecting either will prompt the following text so you may "Add to Client Portal."

Option 3:

Configuring your Client Portal

After that is complete, you'll then be brought to an area where you may view, manage, remove the position, and invite users to the client portal.

Viewing the Client Portal will allow you to preview what that looks like.

Selecting the second option to manage that position on the Client Portal will allow you several options. For a full comprehensive overview of the setup and configuration of your portal, please navigate here: Enabling your Client Portal

The All Candidates tab will allow you to view all candidates on your client portal. Selecting the expandable carat drop down will expand additional details on your candidates.

The second option, Customize will allow you to add branded and custom settings for this specific portal. If you do not choose this option, the portal will follow the default portal settings (more on that below).

What is the purpose? The intent of this feature is to allow you to have a general template that can be used across all job portals and all clients. However, for those clients that you may wish to add a more personal experience for (Ie. adding their logo, a header and footer unique for them, exposing more or less information than you do with other clients) the "Use Custom Settings" option will allow you to do so. This will give you the functionality to brand a specific portal for that unique client.

The Users section will allow you to invite new users, deactivate existing, as well as view further details on your users. Please note, these users are those individuals that you have assigned access to that specific portal (typically clients).

When inviting a new user, you can specify if you want them to see all jobs on the portal, or only selected jobs (Job Specific).

Double-clicking the user's name will open an additional dialogue to expose more information on your client's level of access and activity within the client portal.

  • User Details: Displays the portals that the user has access to

  • Feedback: Displays the activity, feedback, and notes the user has left regarding individual candidates

  • Shared Links: Displays the invite links and portal access that has been shared with that user. In addition, you'll have access to when that link was sent, the status (active/inactive), when it was last used and accessed by your client portal user and also from which IP that was accessed from. You may additionally opt to expire a link so that the user will no longer have access (see below).

  • History: Displays a detailed summary of action and usage your client portal users have taken on the portal.

Adding Candidates to your Client Portal

Once your job is added to the portal and your configuration is setup, you may begin to add candidates. There are two primary options for adding from the job dashboard. The first option is to select the contact and use the Selected Contact drop-down followed by "Add to Client Portal." You may also, once the record is selected, use the "Client Portal" tab to the right-hand side.

After adding, you'll be directed to a prompt to review prior to submitting to the portal. Selecting a candidate will allow you to review the information that will be submitted along with adding an "Executive Summary." An Executive Summary is a client-facing note that allows you to include and write up a brief candidate description that will be displayed as an isolated column on the client portal. Further, you may add in additional documentation and preview the documents that will be included.

If you do wish to remove a document, select the document and use the Options drop-down to remove and select a different document.


Once, selecting Ok that contact will then be added to the client portal. From the job dashboard, you'll see, under the client portal tab, several options. These same options will also be made available from within the contact profile (see second screenshot).

1. Available on: This will provide a status as well as the option to remove that candidate from the client portal

2. Executive Summary: This will allow you to draft a summary that will be visible to the client on the client portal. You'll notice Executive Summary as it's own unique column (see second screen shot) if there are unique items that you'd like to stand alone with the client reviews that candidate.

Additionally, you may notice as you make changes that you'll have the option to 'Notify Clients' which will alert them, via email, that you have updated or added an Executive Summary, document, added a candidate to the portal, or added an activity to the client portal. Any of those actions will result in an email to your client notifying them up those updates.

3. Documents Available: This will show which documents are currently on your client portal. Additionally using the + sign, you may add more documentation.

4. Clients: This will allow you to view existing clients that have access as well as add more clients to the portal. You may select the client portal user's name to view more details about feedback, history and user details.

What's Next?

Looking for a comprehensive Client Portal guide? We have you covered!


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