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Submittal Reports
Ian Remington avatar
Written by Ian Remington
Updated over a week ago

Many customers may wish to run reports based on submittal (or send out) data. Crelate provides several mechanisms with which you may report based on volume of submittals, submits per user as as well as ratios of your submittals to other activities. Of course, any time you are engaging and presenting candidates to a client, you're likely invested in the success and volume of these submittals. Crelate allows you to capture and manipulate this data in a number of ways. Whether you're looking for a basic submittal report or one that is ratio based (to allow you track submittals > placements) check out our content below!

At Crelate, we provide an easy experience through our Submittal Email to share candidate information directly with your clients.

However, we're often asked:

  • What happens if I submit multiple candidates? How is that tracked?

  • What happens if my recruiter Devonte sends the submittal but the account manager Susan should get the credit?

  • What happens if there is a one off submittal that does not happen in Crelate?

Fear not, we have you covered!

For this, we recommend creating a Custom Activity and leveraging that activity within your reporting as opposed to Crelate's standard Submittal activity. This activity can be named something along the lines of Submit or Reporting Submit to distinguish itself for Crelate's default Submittal activity.

From here, ensure you have a Submittal (or similarly named) workflow stage and Configure Rules for that stage.

You may then affiliate your newly created activity with that workflow stage.

So how does this help to address our two original fundamental questions?

  • What happens if I submit multiple candidates? How is that tracked?

    • Now, if you send a submittal containing more than one candidate by moving them to your submittal stage, they'll automatically also each have a unique submit activity. This should solve the problem of submitting multiple candidates in one email only to have 1 submittal counted.

  • What happens if my recruiter Devonte sends the submittal but the account manager Susan should get the credit?

    • Activities once completed, can always be adjusted. Meaning if you wanted to provide multiple people in the Who field or changes the field all together, you can! This should easily allow you to ensure the correct parties are receiving credit for your submittals.

With that being said, let's take a look at how to best report on submittals below!

Basic Submittal Reports

Ratio Submittal Reports

What's Next?

Looking for a full reporting guide? Check out our overview below as well as some more specific advanced reports!

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