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Enabling your Client Portal
Ian Remington avatar
Written by Ian Remington
Updated over a week ago

In Crelate, a Client Portal will allow shared access of selected candidates with your clients.

To begin utilizing this feature, navigate Settings | Advanced | Client Portal

In this article, we will focus on the 4 main components in the set up of your Client Portal:


After enabling, you'll be able to view total job slots in use (#1) on the portal as well as having the ability to create a new portal for a client (#2). To view more details in your portal, you may double-click (#4) to expand your options.

After double-clicking on the Job Title, the All Candidates tab will allow you to view all candidates on your client portal. Selecting the expandable carat drop-down will expand additional details on your candidates.

The second option, Customize will allow you to add branded and custom settings for this specific portal. If you do not choose this option, the portal will follow the default portal settings (more on that below).

What is the purpose? The intent of this feature is to allow you to have a general template that can be used across all job portals and all clients. However, for those clients that you may wish to add a more personal experience for (Ie. adding their logo, a header and footer unique for them, exposing more or less information than you do with other clients) the "Use Custom Settings" option will allow you to do so. This will give you the functionality to brand a specific portal for that unique client.

**Please note that customization of Client Portals is only available with Business Plus licenses and above**

The Users section will allow you to invite new users, deactivate existing, as well as view further details on your users. Please note, these users are those individuals that you have assigned access to that specific portal (typically clients).

When inviting a new user, you can specify if you want them to see all jobs on the portal, or only selected jobs (Job Specific).

Double-clicking the user's name will open an additional dialogue to expose more information on your client's level of access and activity within the client portal.

  • User Details: Displays the portals that the user has access to

  • Feedback: Displays the activity, feedback, and notes the user has left regarding individual candidates

  • Shared Links: Displays the invite links and portal access that has been shared with that user. In addition, you'll have access to when that link was sent, the status (active/inactive), when it was last used and accessed by your client portal user and also from which IP that was accessed from. You may additionally opt to expire a link so that the user will no longer have access (see below). History: Displays a detailed summary of action and usage your client portal users have taken on the portal.

  • History: Displays a detailed summary of action and usage your client portal users have taken on the portal.


In the appearance section, you'll have the ability to add a Logo or Header, Welcome Message, and Footer which will appear on your default portal page (see below).

**Please note you can only have a Logo or a Header, not both at the same time**

Curious to view your client portal in action? Select any job with a double click and then Open this Client Portal at the bottom.

Below the Header and Footer lie the Activity Summary and Workflow Stages for both an individual job on your portal as well as your portal's home page. See below for a depiction as to where you'd view those icons.

The intent here is, if you have multiple jobs for a single client on your portal, you may differentiate a view on your home page from the more granular job level.

Activity Summary: This will allow you to share a glimpse of recent activity automatically with your clients.

  • New Candidates: Only those candidates added to that specific job(s) in the last 7 days

  • Reach Outs: For more on what constitutes a 'reach out' activity, see here. The goal is to allow you to select several activities that demonstrate effort put forth in attempt to connect with candidates. **Please Note** If you do not have any reach-out activities this option will NOT display.

  • Talked-To: This allows you to select activities that signal direct communication with the candidates in this client's pipeline. The intent here is so you may demonstrate to your client how many candidates you have engaged with in their pipeline.

  • Submitted: The total number of candidates submitted in the last 7 days.

Within that grouping, you'll also notice the "Show Recruiting Workflow Stages" (pictured 2 screenshots above on the client portal). Selecting 'Configure' will present the option to display candidate the candidate tally in the workflows of your choosing (see the bottom of the article for Stage and Activity Name Mapping for more information on renaming these stages on the client portal). Only the selected stages will appear on your portal. You may also, in your count, only include those candidates that have been submitted to the portal if you're looking to restrict that tally to only those candidates visible via the client portal.

The next setting is the Job Page Strategy Tab Visibility.

If you choose the Selected option, you will be able to choose what part of the Strategy is shown on the portal via the Opportunity | Strategy Tab. Yellow icons indicate the section is being displayed inside the client portal, grey icons indicate the section is not being displayed inside the client portal.

Below is how the Strategy will show on the portal.

The next section in "Appearance" is the Weekly Report. This report will span the previous 7 days and will display columns and data regarding the candidates on the portal. You may make a selection by selecting the check box. For a full overview of how this looks, and what a Client Portal User's experience is, please see the link here: Client Portal Experience

The last section is for showing Recruiter Relationships. Here is where you will have the ability to specify which Relationships you would like viewable on the portal.


In the "Behavior" section, you will be able to control what privileges your client portal users have when viewing candidates on the portal.

As you'll see below, with all three options enabled, your client will be able to rate, accept/reject as well as leave notated feedback on each candidate that is included in your client portal.


Selecting the Ask clients to approve/disapprove will also unlock an additional option to trigger a workflow stage change. Meaning, a client's actions are tied to the candidates in your workflow. If they were to Approve a candidate, they may be moved to a corresponding stage. Similarly, if your client were to Disapprove/Reject that candidate, you may move them to a Pass or similar stage that exists in your pipeline. Below is an image of how that will look in the client portal.


For the Default Documents, you may choose, when a candidate is added to the client portal, which documents default to be added to their profile. Please note, even if you do not add a document as a default option, that does not mean you may not select it later. Also, making this selection will work proactively. This will not retro-actively work for candidates already in the portal if you were to make a change after the fact.



The Security section allows you to set permissions for what data is visible for your client, how long they'll have access and also an option to convert workflow stages.

  • Contact Fields: You may select which fields the contact has access to in the "Candidate Info" section on the portal. First name and last name will default, from there, you may opt-in and out all other fields by selecting the check box.

  • Shared Links: You may expire links based on a click-based model or daily model. This will automatically set any shared client portal link to expire within the time set.

  • Stage and Activity Name Mapping: The use case of the 'mapping' option, is to allow you to be more discrete in your naming convention that is client-facing. Or, let's use the example where you have an activity called 'Remington Co Phone Screen' internally in your database. However, to simplify things for your client, you may opt to convert that name simply to 'Screen' or anything of your choice. In the example below, I have modified my activity names. Those names will still hold the same language internally in my database. However, you'll now see new activity names when a client portal user is viewing the 'History' section of a profile. For more information on which activities display in the 'History' section, please view the link here: Setting Activities to Display on your Client Portal

  • Modification in Settings:

  • Depiction on Client Portal:

What's Next?

Check out our Master Guide below on the Client Portal to view all documentation affiliated within this feature.

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