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October 2024 - Product Release Notes

Learn more about our October 2024 Release with notes directly from our Product team

Ian Remington avatar
Written by Ian Remington
Updated over 5 months ago

Welcome to Crelate’s October 2024 release! The entire Crelate team has been working hard to bring you a wide range of new capabilities to help you stay productive and drive your business forward. This release brings substantial updates to our Backoffice Modules; Crelate Hire and Crelate Deliver, while also offering new enhancements to our API.

Crelate Hire

Workflow stage to trigger checklist

Checklists for contacts are often crucial during specific stages of the hiring process. To support this, we’ve introduced a new workflow stage rule: “Create a new Checklist.” Now, when you move candidates to certain Recruiting workflow stages, you’ll be prompted to create a checklist for them. This new feature automates the process, saving you time and keeping you organized.

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Crelate Hire- Sequential items and grouping on Checklists

Our exciting new enhancement to checklists allows you to specify if items or groups must be completed in a sequential order. This means that item/group B can't be completed until item/group A is finished, and so on. This feature gives you more control over your checklists by ensuring tasks are done in the correct sequence.

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Crelate Deliver

Timekeeping Templates

We’re excited to announce the addition of Timekeeping Templates, a flexibility enhancement to Crelate’s Deliver/Back-Office module. These templates allow you to accommodate any unique Timekeeping scenarios your clients may have by allowing differing Timekeeping settings per Opportunity.

IMPORTANT: Deliver users are required to specify a default organization level template, which for existing Deliver users will automatically be created and set based on your existing Timekeeping Setup.

Timekeeping Templates can also be set at the company level which will take precedence over the org default on Opportunities for that company. These templates will prefill the Timekeeping settings on Temp Hire opportunities, which can then be updated per Opportunity for maximum flexibility. All timekeeping settings (now found on the Deliver tab of Temp Hire Opportunities) can be edited up until the first assignment for the opportunity exists, and even then, some settings are still able to be edited.

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Crelate Deliver - Bi-Weekly Time Cards

With the addition of Timekeeping Templates, Crelate is now able to support Bi-Weekly Time Submission. Both the Employee center and Connector now support Time Cards spanning 7 days (existing) or 14 days. An employee can only be on one timekeeping cadence for now, but users can now have different departments of Employees utilizing differing time submission cadences.

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Crelate Deliver - Pay Schedules

Crelate is very excited to announce the launch of Pay Schedules. This powerful new capability is designed to streamline Payroll Run creation by allowing users to specify the details of a recurring Payroll process and also assign Employees to those schedules.

When generating Payroll Runs, users will now be required to specify the Pay Schedule that the run is for, and only the items for the Employees assigned to that schedule will be pulled into the run. Please note that an Employee can only be on one Pay Schedule at a time but can be reassigned to a different pay schedule at any time without any impact to existing runs. This enhancement not only simplifies the payroll process but also reduces the risk of errors, ensuring timely and accurate payments to employees.

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Crelate Deliver - Additional Pay Cadences

We’re thrilled to announce that Crelate now accommodates three new payroll cadences: bi-weekly, twice monthly, and monthly.

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Crelate Deliver - Expenses Tab in Employee Center and Connector

Now that Expenses are no longer bound to Time Submission periods in Crelate, we’ve introduced a new Expenses tab in the Employee Center solely dedicated to expense submission and management. The new tab contains quick filters for expense status and a date filter for the transaction date of the expenses. The Crelate Mobile Connector app has also been updated to include a dedicated Expenses tile/page and even includes support for the new filters.

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Crelate Deliver - Billable/Payable Item Reports (Improve Overtime Reports)

Based on feedback, earlier this year, we deprecated the Overtime (OT) Time Type in Crelate. However, this change has made it more complex to report on how much overtime your Employees are owed. Continuing to listen to customers, we’ve added a new Billable and Payable Item report as an available reporting metric. These Billable/Payable Item reports unlock the ability to craft reports on the items that feed your invoicing and payroll processes. Further, these reports come with an Is OT filter, which allows you to get a list of all items that were generated via a Pay Rule and were generated using a different rate than the one set on the Assignment.

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Crelate API v3 Updates

IMPORTANT: Crelate will deprecate its API v1 and API v2 endpoints June 2025. After this date, calls to these endpoints will not function as access will be removed. We highly recommend that all customers and partners begin transitioning over to API v3, which is now at feature parity. All new development should be based on the API v3 spec from the outset.

As part of this October 2024 release, a migration guide will be published to facilitate the transition to the newer endpoints.

API – Tag Categories and Tags

It is now possible to interact with the Tag Category and Tag Entities within Crelate. This allows for the creation of categories and tags while doing large imports into Crelate where the referenced tags may not exist.

The endpoints are as follows:

API – Update Record Status

It is now possible to update the Record Status of a record either individually or in bulk. To find the available Record Status values for an Entity you will need to call that Entity’s Metadata endpoint (e.g.,

The following Entities support status change operations:

  • Companies

  • Contacts

  • Placements

It should be noted that the user performing this operation must be an administrator or have a role with the “Change Record Status” permission on the target Entity.

The endpoints are as follows -


Update Company record status


Update Company record status in bulk


Update Contact record status


Update Contact record status in bulk


Update Placement record status


Update Placement record status in bulk

API Bulk Create/Update/Delete

It is now possible to perform multiple Create/Update/Delete operations with a single call to the API. All the operations must be of the same type and all the operations must succeed – there is no support for partial success. Up to 50 requests can be bundled per request. The record models used on the request are the same as the ones used to Create/Update at an individual level.

NOTE: Bulk operations are subject to additional rate throttling and limits.

The following Entities support bulk operations:

  • Companies

  • Contacts

  • Jobs

The endpoints are as follows:


Create Companies in bulk


Delete Companies in bulk


Update Companies in bulk


Create Contacts in bulk


Delete Contacts in bulk


Update Contacts in bulk


Create Jobs in bulk


Delete Jobs in bulk


Update Jobs in bulk

API – Retrieving Job Titles

It is now possible to retrieve all available Job Titles from Crelate. These records can then be referenced when creating or updating Jobs via the JobTitleId field.

The endpoints are as follows:

What's Next?

Looking for more release content? Check out our What's New for October.

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