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Exporting Time Cards

How to export time card

Kyle Kroeger avatar
Written by Kyle Kroeger
Updated over 6 months ago

This guide will provide a step-by-step walkthrough on how to export Time Cards from Crelate and the filters that can be used.

To start, navigate to the Time Cards Grid:

Next, select the Export option in the upper-right corner:

You will now see a window with 6 filters to choose from. **You can use more than 1 filter at a time if needed (e.g. Employee and Status), but cannot add more than 1 value to a filter (except for the Time Submission Period filter)**

  • Employee: Used to pull time cards for a specific employee.

  • Company: Used to pull time cards for a specific company.

  • Opportunity: Used to pull time cards for a specific opportunity.

  • Status: Used to pull time cards for a specific status (draft, submitted, approved, rejected, and finalized).

  • Created On: Used to pull time cards for specific dates they were created on.

  • Time Submission Period: Used to pull time cards for a specific submission period.

Once the filter(s) are added, select Next to move on to the preview. If the data looks correct, select Export to finish.

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