Crelate and SeekOut do offer an integration, which allows you to export candidate data from SeekOut and turn it into a Contact. Candidate data can be sent to Crelate as prospects, or they can be attached to an existing job.
Setting up the Crelate Integration
Before You Begin
An important thing to keep in mind here is that the User setting up this Integration needs to make sure they use the same email address for both SeekOut and Crelate.
Obtain your API Key
Login to Crelate and navigate to Manage Your Profile & Preferences.
Click API Access, then toggle Enable API Access to On. A key will automatically be generated for you.
Copy your API Key; you will be providing this to SeekOut.
Accessing Integrations in SeekOut
At this point, if you need any further assistance, we recommend reaching out to SeekOut support directly,
Click your initials at the top right of the SeekOut dashboard, then select Integrations.
Connecting to Crelate
On the Integrations page, locate Crelate One-Way Export and click the Connect button. Enter Crelate in the Name field, your API Key from Crelate, and select Production in the Environment dropdown. Click Save, and your integration is complete!
When successful, Crelate will appear under the section My Organization's Integrations with the label "Connected."