To create an E-Signature template, navigate to Settings | E-Signature Templates
Build out templates for the most commonly requested forms so when you are ready, you can choose a template and send it away!
Here you can add your document(s), a title for the template, a description, roles who need to sign, enforcing signing order, who you want to cc, and if you'd like, a message to the signees. To create a package of documents requiring a signature, you can simply select or drag a document.
Note β E-Signature Templates currently only support PDFs.
After you have selected your template information, you will then be able to pre-put where the signatures and dates will go. If you have chosen to create a package of documents, you can scroll down to add signatures and dates to each document.
To send an E-Signature request using a template, navigate to a contact record and select Send E-Signature request.
You can then select the desired E-Signature as well as compose the email the recipient will receive.
Including E-Signature in an Onboarding Checklist
From within an Onboarding Checklists, E-Signature may also be set as an onboarding requirement.
Choose the E-Signature action, set Assigned to as the Contact being onboarded, and choose your E-Signature Template.
Note β To ensure the employee can sign the associated E-Signature from within the portal as soon as it is applied, check the Automatically Create and Send e-signature box.
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